6 Months of Kapu & Cookie!

6 Months of Kapu & Cookie!

6 MONTHS of sharing Kapu & Cookie! 😱😱

I thought I’d take a moment to scroll back through the milestones to appreciate our journey so far 🥰

☕️ Our SIGN at the front of our whare
🍪 Built a storage area
🥰 Added extra shelving
☕️ Added NEW Cookies
🍪 Installed TWO Extra Ovens
🥰 Hubby built a Cookie Tray Holder
☕️ Brought TWO New Mixers
🍪 Got NEW boxes for our Gift Sets
🥰 More to grow but feeling like a BOSS MANA WAHINE!

A massive shoutout to my husband, tamariki, friends and whānau. I’m in front of the camera but there’s MANY who have helped shape and support our whare for Kapu & Cookie 🙏

If you’ve got a dream e hoa, don’t worry about the HOW…focus on WHERE you want to go and WHY

There will be tough days, long days but keep showing up! Because with CONSISTENT action, the magic will happen ✨
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