Te Ahurei o Tuhourangi

Te Ahurei o Tuhourangi

What a day whānau!! 🍪😍😍😍

Firstly, a big mihi to @tuhourangi.iwi for hosting this Ahurei 🙏 A space for whānau to connect & share their kapa haka talents! It was an awesome set up with a last minute change of venue. Ka Pai to the team!

And to my own whānau…letting me borrow equipment, printing jerseys, stamping bags, watching the tamariki & coming along to tautoko 🙏 Our nieces & nephews for working behind the tables so I could connect. It made the experience worth every tray of cookies baked the day before haha

We shared around 1470 COOKIES!
Even had a customer buy a WHOLE JAR of Afghans, including the jar 😂😂😍 Hope they helped with Kapa Haka practise 👌

Loved meeting and connecting with you ALL!
Gives me another level of appreciation for our pakihi & the relationships it’s creating x

Time for this Māmā to pop the jug on I think
Ngā mihi as always whānau ☕️🍪🥰

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